Digital Ocean

Example configuration for using the AWS backend with Digital Ocean Spaces.


You can use the models/storage backends/views/etc from the blog post below to create a test site (called mysite) to try this out. Testing locally using runserver works.

See the folder “s3-example-public-and-private” from the GitHub repo for that blog post:

To get the access key and secret key, follow the getting started guide from DigitalOcean:

Public Configuration

Put these values in your main file or whichever “public” configuration system you use (e.g. secure key/value storage).

Some of these values are built-in, some of them are used by the code linked to in “Usage” above.

Name Description Example value
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME The name of the storage bucket. mysite
AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL The endpoint url excluding the bucket name.
AWS_S3_OBJECT_PARAMETERS Default params for objects. { ‘CacheControl’: ‘max-age=86400’ }
AWS_LOCATION The folder within the space to store files. mysite
AWS_S3_SIGNATURE_VERSION Signature version. DigitalOcean only support v2 for pre-signed urls. s3=s3v2 (Version 2), s3v4=s3v4 (Version 4)
AWS_STATIC_LOCATION The folder within the space to store static files. ‘%s/static’ % AWS_LOCATION
STATICFILES_STORAGE The storage backend to use for static files. ‘mysite.storage_backends.StaticStorage’
STATIC_URL The base URL for generating URLs to static files included in rendered pages. https://%s/%s/” % (AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL, AWS_STATIC_LOCATION)
AWS_PUBLIC_MEDIA_LOCATION The folder within the space to store public media files. ‘%s/media/public’ % AWS_LOCATION
DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE The storage backend to use for public media files. ‘mysite.storage_backends.PublicMediaStorage’
AWS_PRIVATE_MEDIA_LOCATION The folder within the space to store private media files. ‘%s/media/private’ % AWS_LOCATION
PRIVATE_FILE_STORAGE The storage backend to use for private media files. ‘mysite.storage_backends.PrivateMediaStorage’

Private Configuration

Put these values in your private settings file or whichever “private” configuration system you use (e.g. secure key/value storage).

Don’t push these settings to any Git repository or any other public site. Do not share them.

Name Description
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID The access key for the storage API. Although this can be public, it’s useful to store it with the secret key to force the server admin to think about / change it, at the same time as changing the secret.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The secret key for the storage API. Never reveal this to anyone :)